What We Do!

BK Wholesome Homes is a family owned and operated short-term rental (STR) or vacation home management company. We specialize in short-term rentals or vacation homes hosting, co-hosting, and operating services for investors and property owners alike. We are looking to work with landlords, real estate investors, and homeowners to service their short term rental needs at the highest of levels. We are looking to fill your vacancies with short term rental guests. We want to allow you to be completely hands off by offering complete operating and management services meaning your assets serve you by creating passive income without you lifting a finger. Schedule a 1:1 today to learn more!

BK Wholesome Homes Team

  • Founder

    Hi! I am Brandon, a loving and dedicated husband and father to an amazing wife and two beautiful little boys! I grew up in a small town on a farm in eastern Colorado. Being from a small town and growing up on a farm brings creative problem solving and a strong work ethic. I have always been one with big ideas and a passion to make those ideas to turn into a reality. BK Wholesome Homes is dedicated to bring a dream of having a real estate portfolio to life through co-hosting! I look forward to meeting you!

  • Co-Founder

    Hi all! I am Katelyn, a loving and dedicated mom and Wife! I have an amazing family of four where I am blessed with an amazing husband and two incredible little boys! I have big dreams and big aspirations to create an amazing real estate portfolio through Co-Hosting with my husband and bringing design help! Creativity is a passion of mine and bringing those creative skills and dreams to life in the form of designing short term rental properties will make a dream come true! I look forward to meeting you and working with you to create an amazing space that travelers will absolutely love to stay at!